Toothed steel band - Wood joiners
We sell ex factory. You can order and buy all products directly from us. Please send us an email to or call us at +499355/1232.
Wooden boards and laths can be connected without using glue, screw anchors or cross boards.For decades, our corrugated bands and fasteners have been used for high quality products like doors, window frames, door panels, tables, boxes, barrel lids, wooden cladding, wooden pulleys, pallet boards and also in wood model making.
Our wood joiners are manufactured from 0.5 mm strong raw material. Especially the sharp saw edge permits easy insertion into every type of wood, only by using an ordinary hammer. These are essential helpers in modern serial production. Just join them easily, fast and properly at little cost.

Use of the Toothed steel bands / Wood joiners

- Two strips of wood to be connected
- Join the strips

- Place our wood joiner across both wooden strips and knock in